A Simple but Effective, "Get More Done in Less Time" Practice

Oct 15, 2023

I ran a live training on how to overcome and avoid burnout and found that 90% of the attendees were making the same (avoidable) mistake.

They were only taking one break a day.

Have you ever been working on overdrive at the end of the day, end up working late and find yourself struggling to maintain focus, get overwhelmed and feel sluggish?

Conventional wisdom says to power through it and keep working hard. Here’s why that’s wrong.  The law of diminishing returns kicks in where you become less effective the more you put in. This results in lower quality work despite spending more time working.

The way to fix this is by making a simple belief change:

Start thinking of your brain as a muscle.

Treat it like training for a marathon.

If you run too much, your performance degrades over time which leads to higher injury risk. You need rest days and breaks, as well a s a plan to ensure peak sustainable performance.

At work, the same thing is true, if you work too many hours, your productivity drops, you get miserable and are at an increased risk of burnout and getting sick.

Here’s your antidote. Take more QUALITY breaks during the day.

Not only does it help to improve mental wellness and resilience, but it also makes you more effective in your work.

When you work for long periods of time without taking a break, your brain becomes fatigued and your productivity decreases. It's like a muscle that needs rest to recover, the more you use it, the more you need to rest it.

So, how can you make taking breaks a part of your daily routine? Here are three actionable steps you can take:

1. Schedule your breaks: Just like you schedule your work tasks, schedule your breaks as well. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to take a break at regular intervals throughout the day.

2. Get QUALITY Breaks: Your break doesn’t mean hop on Linkedin or check emails. Get up from your desk, move your body or read a book. The quality of your rest is important to get the best results.

3. Take mini-breaks: If you find it hard to take a full break, start with mini-breaks. Stand up and stretch, take a quick walk around the office or the house, or do a few minutes of deep breathing exercises.

Incorporating regular breaks into your workday can have a big impact on your productivity, focus and creativity.

By taking the time to rest and recharge, you'll be able to come back to your work with renewed energy and focus. Remember, your brain is a muscle, and it needs rest to perform at its best. So, schedule your breaks, let your brain recharge, and you’re on the right path to getting more done in less time.


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