Hi, I'm Ryan

I'm here to help people avoid what happened to me.

As a first time manager at a startup, I ended up in the hospital because of a mental breakdown caused by workplace stress. After going to a dark place with mental health, I discovered that putting your mental health first is the key to high performance at work.

My Story

On January 17th 2019, I checked myself into a hospital after having the panic attack to end all panic attacks. At work of all places.

Months of 80 hour weeks, feeling like I was a failure and worrying about things going wrong at work caught up to me.

At the time, ending up in the hospital was the lowest point of my life. I was ashamed of myself and thought I would be stuck like that forever, and that my life was over.

Now, looking back, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I got out of the hospital 4 days later and started looking for answers like my life depended on it, in a way it did.

I read every book I could find, got professional help, and chased getting better with everything I had.

I was able to learn skills that not only made my life better but took my professional life to a level I couldn't imagine.

Then I had this lightbulb moment of ā€œI wish someone had taught these skills to me earlier" so that's exactly what I started doing.

Against all odds, I went from completely hopeless to teaching over 3,000 people at some of the biggest companies on earth.

I started doing this to help people avoid what happened to me. I'd love to help you and your team.


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Certification from the University of Massachusetts

Positive Psychology Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania.Ā 

Linkedin Top Voice on Personal Development.Ā 

Trusted experimental-like-led by top organizations

Over 3,000 successful students at leading organizations worldwide.

A few facts about me:

I love to spend time with my wife outdoors skiing, hiking, golfing and surfing.

Iā€™m a diehard Boston sports fan

I have performed some type of live comedy since 2009. Currently I perform improv weekly in Boston and enjoy writing sketches.


Contact Ryan for Podcast and Webinar Requests

Finding Focus

Learning How to Excel in Stress Management & Productivity

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The Jason's Take On

The Impact of Burnout to our Mental Well-Being

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The Pay it Forward Society

From Burnout to Empowerment: Ryan Johansen's leadership Odyssey

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